Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More Homework, More Weddings

The Wonderful Sorority Sisters with whom I fill up my time

Well, I happened to have a fabulous Easter, and I hope you all did too. I traveled to my boyfriend's hometown to see his family, who we haven't seen since winter break. We had an AMAZING Easter meal of twice-baked potatos, prime rib, strawberry shortcake, and my personal favorite, deviled eggs.
After family time was over, it was back to school. I hadn't really realized how my homework had piled up over the weekend, but it undoubtedly had, and I am still feeling the wrath of it. We have tons of things to do for my sorority, so I will have my fair share of "sister time" as well. I have a million things to do between now and my crazy weekend ahead of me (it's alumni board meetings this weekend... more on that later!)
And on top of that ANOTHER one of my friends is getting married Saturday. It is one of the Merriman alumni, so it promises to be another fabulous college reunion with current peers and my favorite graduates alike.
Between all of the things going on DURING the week (the ethics in medicine forum, sorority meetings, mounds of homework) and my crazy weekend, I've got a few too many things to do, so I'll catch up with you later!

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