Thursday, November 6, 2008

Picking Up Speed!

Well, it seems to me like the semester has really gained some momentum this past week... I think a large part of it has to do with the upcoming Mr. Ripon Man Pageant for the Huntington's Disease Society of America that we are putting on for our Applied Communication class. This is one of the main projects for the class, yet I am a little hesitant at labeling it a "class project." This will actually be a real event, and the proceeds will go to real people suffering from HD, which to me, catapults it out of the realm of most class projects...

Anyways, it has been one of our primary focuses of the semester, but with it nearing quickly, we are really kicking it into high gear. Yesterday we had the dress rehearsal. Tonight and tomorrow I will be helping sell tickets in the commons. And all weekend I am devoting any spare time to completing several random tasks, including sprucing up press releases and painting banners.

There's not a TON going on this weekend... my little sister is coming to visit tomorrow. She's a senior in high school, and much to my delight, is seriously considering Ripon as one of her potential future alma maters. She will be coming and meeting with an admissions counselor, and I'll be giving my two-cents as well. Saturday is the last conference football game of the year (and of my college career... sad day.) It's away at Lawrence, our biggest rival. I am hoping that I will find enough time to break away from my slew of random tasks and be in attendance!

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